Jerusalem 2025

April 04 2025 Running Hand in Hand for Disability Inclusion

Evan Comrov

Hi all!
In April, a couple friends and I will be joining together with Yachad to run the Jerusalem marathon! My goal is to raise $500 for the program (by 3/30), and any donation helps! All proceeds go to supporting the amazing team at Yachad. Thank you and Am Yisrael Chai! Visit my team's page

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  • Zaddi Comrov $100.00

    Evan, you are a man running in my footsteps, and for a great cause! I’m glad to help out with my donation and now you’ve only got $255 to go along with 26.2 miles!

  • Kalman Krause Safta and Gramps $100.00

    Keep on running! Santa and I are behind you all the way. Chol Hakavod

  • Ronit Comrov $108.00

    Hatzlacha Rabba! So proud of all your incredible achievements. This should also be a zechus for Nechama Leba Miriam Bas Ronit Margalit for a refuas hanefesh and refuas haguf

  • Elana and Aaron Comrov Comrov $180.00

    Go Evan and team!!!!! We are so proud of you !!! Good luck running those hills in Jerusalem!!! Train well. Happy you are running for such a great cause!

  • Aunt Laurie $50.00

    Way to go Evan! I am so proud of you!